Research & Education
December 2024: UFA member Shrounda Selivanoff is interviewed in a two-part episode of Matt Anderson’s Proximity Process Podcast on the harms of terminating parental rights
October 2024: UFA members Kathleen Creamer and Shrounda Selivanoff speak on a panel, Severing Family Bonds through Terminating Parental Rights, at The Kempe Center’s Call to Action to Change Child Welfare International Virtual Conference
February 2024: UFA member Kathleen Creamer is interviewed on Matt Anderson’s Proximity Process Podcast discussing the harms of ASFA
November 2023: UFA members April Lee and Kathleen Creamer participate in an ASFA webinar presented by Family Integrity and Justice Works
December 2022: NBC News and ProPublica publish an investigation on Termination of Parental Rights, which includes a quote from UFA member Martin Guggenheim
July 2022: UFA member April Lee gives a speech at New Jersey’s Reunification Day celebration
November 2021: UFA member Andrew Brown talks about the 21st Century Children and Families Act, explains how the foster system came to be this way, and breaks down the details of this pro-family bill on Parental Rights Foundation’s EPPiC Podcast: Making More Time for Parents
May 2021: When the Clock is Cruel: Parents Face Pandemic Hurdles as They Race to Keep Their Kids The Imprint highlights how the Suspend the Timeline Not Parental Rights During a Public Health Crisis Act, sponsored by Rep. Gwen Moore and proposed by UFA, would spare children and parents the trauma of unnecessary termination of parental rights during the pandemic.
Policy Advocacy
April 2024: UFA joins the amicus brief in support of an appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of termination of parental rights when less-restrictive means are available, which was led in part by UFA members Chris Gottlieb and Josh Gupta-Kagan
December 2022: UFA member Kathleen Creamer’s op-ed The Children of ASFA Are Now the Parents of ASFA published by The Imprint
February 2021: If Adoption and Safe Families Act Can’t Be Repealed, Here’s How to At Least Make it Better, The Imprint UFA members Kathleen Creamer and Chris Gottlieb on why families are harmed by ASFA and how to reorient federal law to support family connections
April 2021: We Don’t Need The Adoption and Safe Families Act to Shorten Foster Care Stays by UFA member Richard Wexler, published by The Imprint